FLyefit Dumbbells

Remigiu Partac


  • Gain muscle & lose fat
  • Build strength & power
  • Nutrition Guidance
  • Change your lifestyle & gain confidence


Phone: 0830554373

Hi I’m Remigiu.

As a Personal Trainer, Fitness Coach & Body Building competitor, my goal is to help you achieve your fitness goals, whether they are improving your fitness level, losing weight or gaining weight

Sports have always taken a huge role in my daily life. The way the human body responds to them fascinates me. With the right plan and guidance, every determined person can achieve their so much longed results. So can you, and I’ll be very happy to guide you!
Don’t shy away from taking the first step towards your fitness journey. Contact me or just find me on the gym floor for a chat.

Looking forward to hear from you!

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