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FLyefit Dumbbells

Silvana Delgado

Personal Trainer

  • Muscle building
  • Nutritional advice
  • Fat Loss

Phone: 0833890512

Email: sdelna@hotmail.com

Hey guys I’m Silvana

I’m a Spanish girl and have moved to Ireland and become qualified personal trainer (EQF level 4) and fitness instructor (EQF level 3).

Since my childhood I have been involved in many sports such as basketball, badminton and football. Alongside this also have over 4 years’ experience training in a gym setting. I love to learn new skills, techniques and educate myself further while seeing changes in myself along the way.

I have now taken what I love and what I am passionate for and made a career from it. I now want to help people just like you learn how to love fitness the way I do. I want to help you achieve your goals, no matter how difficult it maybe and guide you every step of the way.

As I always say we will SWEAT, SMILE AND REPEAT together!!

That’s the key!

If you have a goal or are lost as to how to start your fitness journey let me help!

You can contact me on my details below or grab me on the gym floor for a chat, I’d love to help!

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