FLyefit Dumbbells

Shaun Stokes

  • Bodyfat reduction and nutrition advice
  • Physique, strength and conditioning
  • Gym Confidence
  • Injury Rehabilitation
  • Body Re-composition/Transformation

Mobile: +353838704603

Email: stokesshaun252@gmail.com

Hi, I’m Shaun.

I’m an experienced trainer here at FLYEfit, my passion is to help people change their lives in the simplest and most realistic way possible, I believe everyone deserves the right to good health and to be happy with themselves inside and out.

I have nearly 10 years of experience with fat loss and muscle building, and have helped numerous clients achieve their fitness goals here in Dundrum.

Getting started is the hardest part, I’m here to help.

If you are interested in a free consultation please get in touch using any of the contact details below or feel free to approach me on the gym floor, or after classes.

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