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FLyefit Dumbbells

Lily Murray

Personal Trainer

  • Muscle building
  • Weight Loss
  • Body transformations

Mail : coachinglilymurray@gmail.com

Hi everyone my names lily! I’m a PT here at FLYEfit, let me tell you a bit about myself.

Fitness has always been a main interest for me. Being a dancer has taught me many things. It has shown me hard work ,dedication and it has also shown me not to give up on the days I don’t feel like it!

The gym has had such a positive impact on my life not on physically but mentally too, and this is where my passion to become a PT began.

My goal as a PT is to help you achieve your fitness goals while becoming the best version of yourself. I want to help you gain confidence within your self and get comfortable on the gym floor!

If you would like to be coached with me please feel free to drop me an email or do not hesitate to approach me on the gym floor.

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