FLyefit Dumbbells


Gym Manager

  • Body Transformations
  • Fat Loss
  • Muscle & Strength Gain
  • Online Coaching

Mobile: 0857649595

Email:  kwfitness365@gmail.com


Hi Guys, my name is Kev

I am a Personal Trainer & Gym Manager here in FLYEfit Swords

I run and operate KW Fitness which is my personal training service that helps people become better versions of themselves through fitness.

I help people achieve their goals by helping in a range of areas such as:
– Fat Loss
– Muscle / Strength Gain
– Nutrition advice & Guidance
– Gym Confidence
– Body Transformations

If you think that I can help you we can have a FREE consultation and we can discuss your goals and come up with a plan to help you achieve your goals. You can also talk to me on the gym floor or after classes as well.


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