FLyefit Dumbbells

Ciara Louise Walsh

Duty Manager & Personal Trainer

  • Hypertrophy training
  • Nutrition
  • Ninja Protein Ice Cream Master

Meet Ciara


Hello, my name is Ciara. My journey into fitness and health began at a young age through my love for sports, predominantly GAA. Being active was a central part of my life, but it wasn’t until I faced a personal challenge that my true transformation began.

At my heaviest, I was seven stone overweight, and it was affecting my health and overall well-being. Determined to make a change, I immersed myself in the world of weight lifting and fitness. Through perseverance, discipline, and a newfound passion for strength training and nutrition, I successfully shed those seven stone and completely transformed my body and mind.

Today, I’m here to share my expertise and experiences with you. I understand the struggles of weight loss and the dedication required to achieve your fitness goals. My mission is to empower you to reach your full potential, whether it’s through weight lifting, sports-specific training, or general fitness. Together, we will work towards a healthier, stronger, and more confident you. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

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