FLyefit Dumbbells

Cameron Stack

Personal Trainer

  • Form and Technique
  • Sustainability
  • Fat loss

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Hi, my name is Cameron.
I am one of the personal trainers here in Flyefit Dundrum.
I am a level 4 certified personal trainer and hold a certificate in level 3 fitness instruction and group instruction. I come from a background of sports that varied from rugby, GAA, hurling and boxing for local teams and clubs for many years.
My aim as a coach is to install a high degree of confidence in clients who are new to the gym or have never trained in a gym before. I specialise in teaching new comers the foundations of gym movements and technique. I also want to provide a service that is both educational and fun.
I am here to help you build your confidence as an individual in the gym which will also reflect outside the gym. Feel free to contact me for a chat or to arrange a consultation.

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