Email: blaithinnimhurchu@gmail.com
Phone: 0858052638
Hi, my name is Bláithin and I’m a qualified personal trainer with an ITEC level 3 award in nutrition.
Having trained as a dancer in college, staying fit and healthy has always been an integral part of my life. When I first joined a gym, I was so nervous and intimidated so I understand from experience if you feel the same. My mission as a personal trainer is to make everyone feel comfortable and confident in the gym. The gym should be an enjoyable experience and I always strive to keep a happy balance between working hard in your sessions and enjoying your journey to a fitter, healthier life!
With my clients I put a lot of emphasis on good nutrition catered towards your specific goals. I want to educate my clients on how to make better food choices which will help them reap the rewards of their training sessions. As the saying goes “you can’t out train a bad diet!”
If you would like to discuss further what I can do for you please don’t hesitate to drop me a message and book your free consultation today!