FLYEfit Rules

FLYEfit Rules & Regulations

  1. Members must use our Gym Access App on each visit to gain access to FLYEfit and must not share their App with anyone else. To download and install the app, you can visit the App or Play Store on your iOS/Android device and search for FLYEfit. Tap the “Download” or “Install” button to get the app on your device.
  2. The App will work on one device only. To use the Gym Access App, you will need to log in using the exact same email address and password (type, do not copy and paste or allow auto-fill for these details) you use to log-in to your Membership Account (MYFLYE).
  3. Member’s access and Member usage is monitored by CCTV to ensure the safety and security of our Members.
  4. The App is solely for the use of the member who joined the relevant gym.  The App must be used as a method of entry for all visits.  It may not be passed on to anyone else (misuse of your access will result in the termination of Membership).
  5. On joining, all members are offered a Free gym induction to instruct them in equipment use.  You are strongly advised to undertake a Gym Intro session.  FLYEfit will not accept any liability for any claim for personal injury if you use the Gym equipment having not taken up the offer of a free Gym Intro from a qualified member of FLYEfit staff.
  6. Before partaking in an induction and before using our Gym equipment for the first time, a PARQ (Health & Medical Screening form) must be completed via The FLYEfit website.
  7. All members are recommended to partake in a Gym equipment induction. Previous Gym users may decide at their discretion not to have a Gym induction.  All Gym Intro bookings can be made via the Members’ online Membership Account (MYFLYE).
  8. If you are unsure as to how to use any piece of equipment you must seek advice from a qualified member of FLYEfit staff before using of such equipment. FLYEfit will not take responsibility where a gym user sustains injury from incorrect use of equipment.
  9. For safety reasons, bags are not permitted on the Gym floor and it is essential that the correct attire is worn when exercising i.e. suitable, comfortable exercise clothing and footwear must be worn.  Clothing such as jeans, boots, flip-flops/sandals or work wear are not permitted.  Football tops may also not be deemed appropriate in the Gym.  Any Member not wearing suitable attire may be asked to leave the Gym.
  10. As a courtesy to other members, we ask that a small gym towel must be carried to wipe down equipment before and after use. As part of our sustainability initiative and to support our commitment to a greener future, we do not provide paper towels.
  11. Members are asked to only use the lockers for the duration of their training session.  Lockers cannot be used for overnight storage and are emptied at night and items removed to Lost Property.  Padlocks may be broken to gain access and will not be replaced by FLYEfit.
  12. Members are solely responsible for their own belongings whilst visiting FLYEfit.  FLYEfit accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to personal property.
  13. Although we will always endeavour to return any articles of lost property to the owner, we do not take responsibility for any item.  Such items, if found, will be kept until claimed, but for no longer than one week.
  14. No drunkenness, bad language or aggressive behavior toward staff or other members is permitted on the premises. Membership may be terminated for violation of any rule or regulation of the Gym or by conduct deemed by the management to be detrimental to the welfare, good order or character of the club and its members or staff.
  15. You may not use the gym whilst under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, tranquilizers, or any medication or other substance which may affect your ability to exercise safely.  FLYEfit reserves the right to remove you from premises if it reasonably believes you are unfit to use the facilities.
  16. FLYEfit reserve the right to refuse access or terminate Memberships.
  17. All Gym users must comply with any reasonable request from FLYEfit staff in relation to Health and Safety matters and to ensure the smooth running of the Gym.  If any Member has a concern regarding Health and Safety, they must report the issue to FLYEfit staff immediately.
  18. Members can join from 16 years, however if you are under 18 years your parent / guardian must enter into the membership agreement (along with the minor) and the parent/guardian must agree to accept responsibility for their child’s conduct.
  19. We reserve the option to perform age and ID checks and Member’s must comply with such checks if requested.
  20. Only Personal trainers who hold a FLYEfit Personal Training agreement can personal train out of FLYEfit Gyms.  No other Personal trainers may personal train any member/ non member on FLYEfit premises. Only Physical/Physio Therapists/Rehab Specialists who hold a valid agreement with FLYEfit may operate out of FLYEfit Gyms.  No other Therapists may train or carry out any rehab sessions with a member/ non member on FLYEfit Premises.  Anyone else undertaking members’ training will be asked to leave the gym immediately.
  21. Smoking, including e-cigarettes and vapes, is strictly prohibited in all areas of the Gym, including at the entrance.  Any Member found in breach of this rule may have their Membership terminated.
  22. Members must inform FLYEfit of any change of contact and email address or telephone numbers.  These changes can made via the Member Details tab on MYFLYE.
  23. Members must ensure they put weights back in their original place when finished, failure to do so may result in your Membership being terminated.
  24. Please do not misuse the weights by dropping them on the floor, misuse of the weights may result in your Membership being terminated.
  25. Please do not take video calls/photographs/videos on the premises or in the Changing Rooms or post such items or remarks on the internet that may identify another member.
  26. Changing Rooms close at certain times for security and deep cleaning.  However, the Wheelchair Accessible and Shower facilities will be open during these times.
  27. Class Bookings – Members must arrive promptly for Class start times.  Late arrival may result in being refused entry to the Class.
  28. Class Bookings – We recommend Members book in advance to ensure that a Class has space for them.  Members can pre-book Classes 24 hours prior to the start time of the Class.
  29. Class Bookings – If a pre-booked Member is unable to attend their Class, we request, as a courtesy to their fellow Members, they log in to their MYFLYE and cancel the Class in advance so that the space can be made available to other Members.
  30. By accessing the gym and using the gym equipment members are deemed to have read and understood the terms and conditions of membership.

Rules of use of Gym Facilities

  1. All references to “the Gym” refer to FLYEfit Group LTD, 8-10 Harrington  Street, Portobello, Dublin 8, its proprietors, management, employees, subcontractors, agents and representatives.
  2. Members’ use of the Gym is subject to these Rules.
  3. Use of the Gym involves physical exercise, sport, and recreational activities which can be dangerous and may cause injury.  Members’ use of the Gym is voluntary.  Members voluntarily assume all risks of injury, damage, or loss which may be sustained as a result of, connected with, or in any way associated with their use of the Gym.
  4. Members must take all necessary medical and professional advice to ensure their safety, to verify their fitness and to confirm their suitability for use of the Gym prior to membership and throughout the course of their membership.  Before using any equipment in the Gym, members should seek and receive instruction from fitness staff to ensure that the member understands the equipment and adopts a safe training regime suitable to the ability of the member.  Members must use the equipment in the Gym in accordance with the operating instructions provided by the Gym and understand and abide by the rules of any activities undertaken in the Gym.
  5. The Gym is not responsible for any loss or theft of personal property brought to or left in the Gym.  Members should take reasonable care that their personal belongings are stored safely in lockers provided for this purpose.
  6. The Gym shall not be liable for, nor shall it accept responsibility for, any injury, loss or damage howsoever sustained by any person or persons whether arising under the express or implied terms and conditions of membership, whether direct or indirect and including consequential losses arising out of any of the activities of the Gym or in any way whatsoever which does not arise from any negligent act or omission of the Gym.
  7. Members fully and irrevocably indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Gym, to the extent permissible under applicable law, against any and all liabilities, claims, and causes of action resulting from injuries, damages or loss (including, but not limited to, costs which may be incurred in any legal action) sustained by members arising from their attendance at, and use of, the Gym.